Post by theother on Nov 8, 2007 16:25:58 GMT -5
The fight on horseback Kit Kidwell - Legendary sword +10 VS (120 base skill) 3 men - all noteworthy (70 base skill)
Kennos Keath - Legendary sword (100 base skill - I'm giving him a -10 because of his recent wounds) Tomas Clegane - Legendary sword - aka "Tom" one of Kennos' bandit men (110 base skill) and 7 others - all apprentice swords (60 base skill)
The fight against the archers 5 archers - all apprentice (60 base skill)
3 of Kit's men - all noteworthy (70 base skill)
Post by theother on Nov 8, 2007 16:28:01 GMT -5
I'll do the archers first as they'll be the easiest. They need to score as follows: 100 to land a minor hit 120 to land a medium hit 140 to land a heavy hit 150 to straight out kill one of them.
Results: 63 69 137 160 74
So, 1 guy died and 1 got a medium hit. Once the knights on horseback get among them I'm giving them +20 for horseback & height advantage and giving the bowmen -20 for crappy weapons and height disadvantage.
Same dice rolls apply - so now the bandits cannot do better than a medium hit (if they roll a 100!) One of the knights is -15 because of a medium wound though.
Results: 5 archers
137 110 80 95 128
2 knights 185 130
With those rolls, I'm allowing the knights to kill 2 archers but 1 of them (the wounded one) is struck in return and killed.
next round: 3 archers - negatives still apply
78 86 78
1 knight - bonus still applies 122
So a heavy wound for another archer - out of the fight
next round 2 archers 85 95
1 knight 150 - another archer heavily wounded
final round 1 archer 102
1 knight 177 - kills final archer & wheels around to help Kit
Post by theother on Nov 8, 2007 16:38:39 GMT -5
Now the main event - Kennos & Kit etc
Kennos, Tomas & 7 men - bonuses as above 129 - Kennos (dice deserting him for a change -20penalty) 170 - Tomas 112 - generic A - minor injury received (-10 penalty) 120 - generic B - minor injury received (-10 penalty) 136 - generic C 148 - generic D 129 - generic E 136 - generic F 120 - generic G - minor injury received (-10 penalty)
Kit & his 3 men 172 140 83 - killed by 2 medium hits & a minor 105 - received 1 medium hit (- 20 penalty)
The way I'm viewing those is Kit got a solid blow (medium) on Kennos. Tomas tried to hit him but failed. As for the other guys... 2 of Kennos' men were injured - both minor. 1 of Kit's men is flat-out killed (83 - 2 medium blows & a minor took him down) and another is injured (105 - 1 medium blow)
Post by theother on Nov 8, 2007 16:45:48 GMT -5
Final session Kennos & his men KK: 163 TC: 134 A: 70 B: 130 C: 125 D: 125 E: 110 F: 98 G: 71
Kit & his men KK: 199 A: 82 C: 75
So Kennos receives a minor knick and Clegane gets a heavy blow (-30) but is still alive As far as Kit's men go they are now all dead bar the guy who's just finished off the archers but all of Kennos' 9 men are left. I'll leave it at that and let Kit/Horas decide what next
EDIT: They seen keen to carry on but I'm off to bed soon so I'll post the penalties and my (planned) reductions on mobbing up below. Feel free to use or disregard.
Kennos = 70 (-30 penalites from 1 medium & 1 minor wound. Started at 100 due to already being wounded by Aranya) Tomas = 80 (-30 due to 1 heavy hit) 7 men = 60 (x5) and 50 (x2 as 2 have minor injuries)
Kit = 120 (undamaged +10 VS) 1 man = 70 on horseback
The way I figure this, Kit's man is intercepted by 2 of Kennos' undamaged men and stalled up. That leaves Kit vs Kennos, Tomas and 5 other men (2 of whom are wounded). Never really gone for this type of combat before - most we've had is 2v1 I think which we just rolled normally. But with Kit so badly outnumbered I think we have to start giving minuses here. He'll have to be very defensive and even then - with 7 blades coming at him - it should be very hard. I would suggest at least a -30 reduction. Thoughts?
Post by Ellinda on Nov 8, 2007 18:37:43 GMT -5
I'll let you guys deal with this, this looks like PhD level dice rolling to me
Post by The Smith on Nov 8, 2007 20:48:31 GMT -5
Kennos = 93 minor hit Tomas = 104 minor hit 7 men = 60 heavy hit 98-minor hit 150 154 143 (x5) two on other dude 89 101 (x2 as 2 have minor injuries)
Kit = 115 (undamaged +10 VS)-3 medium hits 1 man = 95 on horseback
new numbers Kennos-60 Tomas-70 3 uninjured men on kit- 60 1 injured man- 50
2 men on other dude-50
Kidwell- 60 Kit's other men-70