Post by theother on Oct 14, 2007 6:10:15 GMT -5
Rhodri ArrynImmediate Family: Lady Becca Arryn: Sister to Lord Michael Dondarrion, Rhodri's wedding to Becca sealed the alliance between Royce and the Lightning Lord. Her mother was King Aegon's cousin, a full-blooded Targaryen, and she shares the Targaryen blood traits. > Target of the Eyeless Cult. Thought dead by all but Rhodri but actually in hiding in Tarth. Yohn Arryn: Lord Rhodri's strange son with the Lady Becca. He is seven going on eight, thin, with his mother's coloring -- except his eyes, which instead of Targaryen lavender, are bronze. > A greenseer and skinchanger Lady Saella Arryn: While she is still young -- five going on six -- she is already invested as the Lady of Mistwood. Saella is a beautiful little girl with red hair and coloring like her father. >A target of the Eyeless Cult. Currently in hiding with Elane Royce. Called "Rose" Lord Jon Royce: Originally a player character, the original player left in mid-June and said we could use Jon. His personality matches that described in his original character creation post, though his swordsmanship has improved. Believes Allard Lannister, then a young heir, raped his paramour Taena, and has not forgiven him. He is the Lord of Runestone and Lord Commander of the Goldcloaks. > Secretly (or not so) having an affair with Anya Stark. Brash, stupid and a Grandmaster of the Blade. His magicial bronze armour adds +10 to his skill so he is essentially Legendary. Sworn Characters: Ser Felwick Gower: If the Stormlands had a branch of House Umber, Ser Felwick would be a member. 6'8" and barrel chested, the strongman fights with a long axe. He is Master-at-Arms for the Eyrie. > Skills, Master of the Axe. Strong in constitution (+10 to any drinking contests) Ser Galwyn Fell: A horseman first, Ser Galwyn is an excellent jouster and scout, often in charge of Lord Rhodri's outriders when they are on the march. He also serves as Captain of the Guard at the Eyrie. > Skills, Master at Mounted Combat. Noteworthy with sword. Lord Valwert Grandison: A surly, alcoholic old man who is Lord of Grandview but spends his time as Castellan of Storm's End. He is currently trying to shore up support for King Callen throughout the Stormlands, where is an influential figure. As I no longer rule Storm's End, I'll no longer exert control over this character. > Dying. No point giving him skills Ser Giles Grandison: Proud son of Lord Valwert, called the "Waking Lion". Currently a member of King Callen's Kingsguard. > Skills, Master of the Blade. Expert in Mounted Combat (based on his showing in Storms End tourney) Lady Fenra Grandison: An aging lady of the court, beautiful and flirtatious as a young woman and now lonely and bored in her middle years. Currently pregnant, much to Lord Valwert's surprise. > Man-hungry predatress. Not sure who the father is. Will check with Rhodri. Relating to Ser Selwyn Royce: Lustrig the Lance: One handed adventurer from the far North Selwyn met during his dark years. Joined the Black Shields together. Lustrig is currently in King's Landing. > Skills, Noteworthy with sword. Beaumarin the Beauty: Singer and swordsman from the Black Shields, friends with Selwyn and Lustrig. After Summerhall, went traveling the Reach, spreading word of King Callen's coming, helping stir up support for the King amongst the smallfolk. Current whereabouts unknown. > Skills, Noteworthy with sword. Expert at singing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knights of the Vale: Ser Vance Hardyng, the Knight of Diamonds: A dashing young knight and rising jouster known for his famous gifts of diamonds to the most pleasing women. > Skills, Expert with Sword. Noteworthy Mounted Combat (based on KL tourney) www.westeros.org/Citadel/Heraldry/Entry/House_Hardyng/Ser Jonas Waxley, the Candleknight: This wiry but strong black clad knight keeps his sparse blond-and-grey hair cropped short. He would be handsome if not for a burn scar underneath his eye. > Skills, Expert with sword and very studious. Better than average literacy & learning www.westeros.org/Citadel/Heraldry/Entry/House_Waxley/Ser Elgin Coldwater, the Icefloe: The heir to Coldwater Burn, Ser Elgin is a large and imposing man with a chilly demeanor. Coldwater is a small, northern port at a rivermouth between two of the fingers. Often used by Lord Grafton to Captain the Vanguard. The entire right side of his armor is enameled dark red, the entire left side enameled dark blue. His horse's barding is reversed to create a quartered effect with his colors. > Skills, Noteworthy with sword. www.westeros.org/Citadel/Heraldry/Entry/House_Coldwater/Ser Dortmund Grafton: Eldest son of Lord Dominic Grafton, the Sharp, Lord Marshall of the Vale. Dortmund is heir to Gulltown and a Captain in the Vale Watch. > Skills, Noteworthy with sword. Lost his brother who died in KL tourney www.westeros.org/Citadel/Heraldry/Entry/House_Grafton/Ser Qoros Wydman: A young lancer and friend of Ser Vance Hardyng, he rode with Grafton's army in the war to distance himself from his famed brother, Lord Quinn Wydman, the Lord Commander of the Vale Watch. Wears gold and white on horse and armor. > Skills, Expert with sword. www.westeros.org/Citadel/Heraldry/Entry/House_Wydman/
Post by theother on Oct 14, 2007 6:18:58 GMT -5
Aranya Royce, Lady of Duskendale Ser Alliser Redfort - Elane's younger cousin, once her most able spy, now rendered instable by personal loss. Is currently a singer in Grandview. > Skills, Noteworthy at singing. Insane.
Lord Tommen Redfort - Lord of Gull Tower, the erstwhile seat of House Shett. Alliser's younger brother and somewhat more martial. > Skills, Expert with the sword. When wielding Dragonbone spear "Aelerion's Foe" is upgraded to Master
The other Redforts - Lord Redfort, Ser Androw, Lady Elara. Very, very, very rarely used.
Lady Nymella Waynwood, Janna Belmore, Alla Hunter, Jocelyn Baelish, Olene Hersy - Elane's ladies, currently at home for winter. > Skills, Nymella noteworthy at archery. Alla Hunter noteworthy at sword
Rhaego - Dothraki cavalry captain serving Jorah Lannister. > Skills, Expert mounted combat
Knights of Duskendale: Ser Haviland Ashby - a young knight sworn to Lady Aranya. Intelligent and a hard fighter, Ser Haviland is fiercely loyal to his liege but mild-mannered. > Skills, Noteworthy with the sword
Ser Harry Belmore - brother to Janna and heir to House Belmore. Soon to be Lord, as his old father is fast fading. A handsome young knight with a gift for coercion. >Skills, Noteworthy with the sword, Noteworthy Charm
Ser Miles Robey - A knight of Duskendale and a highly skilled archer who won his fame at the Market Square Tourney. > Skills, Noteworthy with the Bow
Ser Harmond Locke - A skilled fighter who resembles a bull. > Skills, Noteworthy with the blade.
Ser Ethan Smallwick - A knight newly hired during Aranya's brief stay in Duskendale during her pregnancy. He hails originally from the Saltpans, and although he is not a large, heavily built man, he makes up for his small size with his astonishing speed and agility. > Skills, Noteworthy with the blade, Noteworthy speed
Ser Denys the Hammer - A towering knight of enormous strength and ferocity. He is middle-aged, and served Lord Rykker well until the family was murdered by Bloody Aedon. He is master-at-arms of the Dun Fort. > Skills, Noteworthy with the blade. Commander of Aranya's Duskendale knights
Ser Patrek Harte - An amiable man, also newly in Aranya's service. A very skilled horseman. > Skills, Noteworthy Mounted Combat
Post by theother on Oct 14, 2007 6:20:51 GMT -5
Ser Roland Royce Ser Hoyle Sunderland - known as Hillfox. An older knight in service to Roland's father. A good horseman and gifted scout, retired chief of Ser Odhar's outriders, and one of Roland's mentors. > Skills, Noteworthy with the blade, Noteworthy Ambushing
Ser Daven Hersey - A 20 year old knight, son of one of Ser Odhar's chief advisors and childhood friend to Roland. More gregarious than Roland, and fond of drink. > Skills, Noteworthy with the sword.
Post by theother on Oct 14, 2007 6:22:41 GMT -5
Lillith Royce, Lady Bettley (the Black Widow)I just made Ser Arguel Flowers, merchant knight of King's Landing, my second as he was more amusing to play than Elspeth Stone so my NPCs these days are... Elspeth Stone, very respectable cousin to Lilith. Previously head of Targaryen interpreters. > Skills, Expert Valryian and other tongues A bunch of interpreters, all lovely, all wandering around loose now as the younger Targs and now Callen all speak the Common Tongue. Will have to revive a couple of these at some point. Amdle Flowers, Bella Blacktyde and Dort of Kings Landing. Amdle is the oldest of Ser Arguel's children. Previously a squire of Ser Donal Tyrell, fought in the battle of the wall, dragged off an Iron Island beach by the fierce Bella Blacktyde (on occasion brilliantly RP'd by Balor), who made him her salt husband. Dort is Amdle's long time companion but hasn't been seen from since the downing of the ship he and Amdle were on. > Skills, Amdle is noteworthy with the Bow, Bella is noteworthy with the Axe and Dort is noteworthy with the sword and unarmed combat Anslem Flowers, loyal follower of Callen. Just woke up after being knocked out during the Battle of King's Landing. > Skills, Expert with the blade. In the Kingsguard Angala, previously known as Angul, squire to Lord Baldwin. Was in the room, hidden in the cupboard, when Allard killed Baldwin. Now plotting revenge from the kitchens of Casterly Rock. Angul/Fang, fourth child of Ser Arguel, a young man who could go either way. Now being used as a go between between Lilith and Ser Arguel in the business dealings they have together. > Skills, Noteworthy disguise, noteworthy sword Chella Black Ear, one of Aranya's wildlings. Light relief and hasn't been heard from in a while. > Skills, Noteworthy with the axe And Petra, Lilith's beloved and smart alecky child. How could I have forgotten Petra? > Skills, Master at being a smartass and learning to fight There are also various band members that I play on occasion including Xavier Hill who is really Piers/Baldwin/The Smith's (good trick being the NPC of a second who is now an NPC), and members of the band such as Georg Reeves, Captain of the Riding Dead, made up of some of the men who Lilith saved at the Battle of Casterly Rock way before the time jump. > Skills as appropriate. Noteworthy everything
Post by theother on Oct 14, 2007 6:27:01 GMT -5
Barret Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden Victer Bulwer- a friend of Barret's and heir to House Bulwer > Skills, unknown
Oliver Caswell- a friend of Barret's and heir to Bitterbridge > Skills, unknown
Ser Georth Tyrell- Barret's cousin > Skills, Noteworthy with the blade
Ser Aaron Fossoway- of the Green Apple Fossoways <Now Barret's second - see character histories thread for skills>
Lord James Chester- the young and fashionable Lord of Greenshield > Skills, unknown
Rhett Flowers- A musician and instrument maker, now the chief musician in Highgarden's court. Married to Laura Tyrell > Skills, Master at singing. Has created his own instrument and is a bastard brother of Callen Baratheon
Post by theother on Oct 14, 2007 6:32:24 GMT -5
Tallahar Tyrell, Warden of the South Lord Robert Hightower: Former squire to Tallahar the last of the Hightower line he is very unstable in is own skills and will most likely be an easy person to be persuaded with a speech. Robert is grown into his position as the Voice of Oldtown and has began to believe in his own skill a lot more but he will still follow Tallahar almost all matters. Age 21 > Skills, Noteworthy with the sword.
Lady Haley Tyrell: Tallahar wife, born a Karstark she is still very in touch with her northern roots. Haley is a very noble woman with a good head on her shoulders but even after six years in the south she is still not an expert in political intrigue. With the birth of Haley three new children she has her hand full now. Haley will always sort to see that her family are safe. She has totally control of Tallahar. Age 25 > Skills, none bar being a mother. Possibly Noteworthy unarmed combat
Ser Nathan Beesbury:He is a joyful man with a family containing of his wife Chelsea Fossoway of the Green apple branch and there 7 children. He is said by Tallahar to be a solid man who always follows orders to the letter. Ser Nathan is now Captain Prime of the Golden Roses and is totally loyal to Tallahar. He is traveling to the Dothraki sea right now. Age 28 > Skills, Noteworthy with the sword. Is a nymphomaniac (Tallahar seems obsessed about large families, doesn't he? 7 kids??)
Ser Leo Leygood:Ser Leo is the Lieutenant of Tallahar Personal Guard with Ser Hunfrey Drox the new Captain. Tallahar still believed in a Reachman having a commanding Rank. Leo survived the assault on Winterfell and was noted as a fast thinker for the command to find cover with the archers attacking. Age 22 > Skills, Noteworthy Mounted Combat, Noteworthy Command
Post by theother on Oct 14, 2007 6:36:09 GMT -5
Seth Greyjoy Geral - Former guard for Lord Horas Blackwood. Currently a member of the dissembled Black Bastards. Suffered a serious arm injury during the Battle of Wild Eye and can no longer shoot a bow. Aged 28. > Skills, none
Marq -Former guard for Lord Horas Blackwood. Currently a member of the dissembled Black Bastards. Uses a bow. Aged 27. > Skills, Noteworthy with the Bow
Ser Humfrey Drox- A giant knight who is skilled with the lance. As stupid as the day is long. Always internally quoting his father's wisdom. Nicknamed "Drox the Ox" and "Ser Idiot". Aged 21. > Skills, Noteworthy with the blade. Strong Consitution (+10 to drinking contests)
Amias- A Dornish merchant. It is said that his merchandise is the various poisons and toxic substances he procures. Aged 20. > Skills, Noteworthy Poisons
"Ghostboy" Garret - The new leader of the Black Bastards, appointed by Mortimer. He is an expert brawler. Got his nickname from his fighting style, lots of feints and false attacks. Aged 30. > Skills, Expert Fist-fighting
Renald Flowers- The Commander of the Grand Defenders. Unknown age. <Seems to be a pseudonym for Seth's second, Mortimer Pyke>
Post by theother on Oct 14, 2007 6:48:05 GMT -5
Balor Greyjoy, Lord Reaper of the Iron Isles (now deceased) Immediate Family: Lady Asha Harlaw Wife of Balor. Was betrothed to Meevis Humble but Balor approached her father (Lord Dickon Harlaw) and arranged the marriage without her consent. Was devastated but grew to love Balor despite that. Meevis was not so forgiving and launched an ill-fated rebellion a few years after the marriage which failed. He's been locked in the dungeons ever since and died there many years ago - at least as far as Balor knew. > Skills, none > Secrets, Still loves Meevis. Tried covertly to have him released from prison. Secretly managed this about 11 years ago. Had a night of wild passion with him before he left Pyke for his life and has been eking out a living in Flint's fingers ever since. Urri may be his son.
Urri Greyjoy A kind, quiet, intelligent young man - aged 10. Which makes him woefully unsuitable for life on the Iron Islands. Gets seasick and is a coward. When pushed too far however, he flies into a surprising rage and seems a different person. May be mildly schizophrenic. > Skills, none > Secrets, Has a crush on Adalee Flowers. Is intimidated by Seth Greyjoy and feels guilty for his father's death, thinking himself responsible in some way
Meera Greyjoy A young but boisterious child, aged 5 but very bright and insightful for her age. Is brave but loving. Loves her mum and brother Urri deeply but is well aware of Urri's failings. Is well-liked by the rest of the ironborn in Pyke castle for her forth-right and mischevious nature. Always assumed Sabastian would be the next leader after her dad and was content to merely be a ships captain. After Sabastian's death she is concerned about her own family's future. > Skills, none > Secrets, has snuck away from her mum to take part in Finger Dance games, much to the guard's amusement. Has kissed a stableboy called Petyr.
A list for main Ironborn NPCs so far revealed.
Lord Quellon Drumm (The Beast of Old Wyk) - another 'Umber-like' monster of a man. Huge, hairy & relentless without a bone of softness or compassion in him. Kinda like evil Hagrid. Has two sons near as large as him and a wife even more scary. > Skills, Grandmaster with the Axe. > Secrets, Old-skool to the bone. Reaves in his ship "Black Silence" without Balor's knowledge. Is known to have strangled his first wife when she had a girl rather than a boy for his firstborn. Has 5 salt-wives and 7 bastard children as well as the two boys from his current wife. Is feared for his fearsome rages when things go against him.
Lord Dickon Harlaw - Balor's ablest 'general' and the closest thing the Iron Islanders have to a military stragetist. A stern looking patrician who maintains a cool, level head at all times. > Skills, Master at Battle. Noteworthy with the Blade > Secrets, Killed his own brother to gain his seat. Did this by ambushing his ship out to sea. No-one else is aware of this bar his crew who are all loyal to him. Attached himself to Balor as he saw similar traits to himself. Thinks Lord Drumm is an animal and dislikes him though is wise enough to hide it.
Lord Garrick Botley - something of a laughing stock in the ironborn, only House Codd are more despised as useless. One of the few ironborn to openly worship the seven and have 'Sers' amongst his men. Lord Balor does not trust him and has him watched often. > Skills, Noteworthy Naval Warfare, Noteworthy with the Blade > Secrets, Has been plotting for years to have Seth Greyjoy and his daughter (Seth's mother) returned to the Iron Islands. With Balor's death, he now see's his chance for power. Ultimately wishes to convert the rest of the Iron Islands to worship the Seven but sees that as a long and difficult mission. Is very devout.
Grimon - the elderly 'maester' of Pyke or as close as. Ironborn to his bones, but has some kindness in him and loves his ravens as if they were his pet's. Recently taken on a young trainee called Ulfgar to aid him in his work. > Skills, Expert at Ravenry > Secrets, Likes young boys more than is healthy
Lood Goodbrother & Lord Sparr - a double act so far these two, so may keep that going (oh great rumour god, feel free to make up some innenduo as to their sexual preference for each other) but not much else known about them yet. Not very bloodthirsty as ironborn go, but loyal - and fabulous dressers > Skills, Noteworthy in Siege Warfare, much to everyone's surprise. > Secrets, Homosexual lovers. Are both terrified of this being revealed.
Lord Theon Orkmont (The Devilblade) A reclusive man who seems obsessive about becoming the best swordsman in the world. Has tried bizarre practices and rituals to gain additional "strength" and is fascinated by the occult > Skills, Expert in the Sword > Secrets, Covets Valryian steel. Is too scared to take Lord Drumm's and Lord Harlaw's is too well guarded. Does not mix well with other ironborn who find him "odd". Has visited Asshai & Qarth to see if their supernatural abilities can help him in his 'quest'.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Other notables RP'd by Balor Temilade Xho - Self-styled "Prince" of the Summer Islands. A vain, pompous man who's greed is only matched by his ambition. Fancies himself a ladies man. > Skills, Noteworthy Trade, Noteworthy Seduction > Secrets, His grip on the Summer Islands is not as secure as he tells everyone. Is paranoid about being assassinated. Is looking to make deals with anyone and everyone to increase his personal wealth and power.
Wat - A soldier in Bittersteel's company under Jorah Lannister. A simple, uncomplicated man who only cares where the next piece of gold is coming from, how many women he can have sex with and how much wine he can drink. > Skills, Noteworthy with the sword. > Secrets, None. He just wants to get rich and fuck as many women as possible. Has recently taken a shine to Aerie Blackwood and wants to fuck her (or anyone highborn) as he is very conscious of being a peasant
Vincent Serry - Lord Tallahar's squire and the third son of Lord Serry. Ser Yorrel Serry is his older brother. A peaceful man with a deep love of flowers and botany in general. Has had to become more warlike and adept under Tallahar's urgings but is finding he has surprising aptitude for the role. Has a pronounced lisp and substitutes "s" for "th". > Skills, Expert with the sword. > Secrets, Not really a secret but has recently been asked if he would like to be adopted into House Tyrell, forsaking the name Serry.
Post by theother on Oct 14, 2007 7:13:03 GMT -5
Horas Blackwood, the Master of Whisperers
Ser Kennos Keath -- Called the Demon. Horas' personal guard captain. Insolent, dangerous, arrogant, and enjoys a laugh. <Now Horas' second - Grandmaster of the Blade>
Lord Warren Blackwood -- Horas' cousin and the current lord of House Blackwood. > Skills, Expert with the sword
Graham Blackwood -- Horas' cousin, youngest of the three Blackwood brothers. A bit of a fool. > Skills, Expert with the sword
Symond -- An easy-going bard, currently in service to Lord Tallahar Tyrell. > Skills, Noteworthy with the sword, Noteworthy in singing.
Lord Tristane Ryger -- Called the Unflinching. An older warrior who served as the leader of the vanguard in both Terrence and Warren Blackwood's armies. > Skills, Noteworthy with the sword, Noteworthy Command
Taria Blackwood -- Horas' cousin, an excitable yet timid girl. > Skills, none > Secrets, Was kidnapped by Barret Tyrell's men and hidden in Braavos. Has recently been found and is on her way back but is pregnant...
Post by theother on Oct 14, 2007 7:27:20 GMT -5
Emelia Martell, Princess of Sunspear Jon Sand: Emelia's twin brother. Normally her court jester, but has a position on her privy council, is her personal herald, and generally functions as minister without portfolio. He and Shajura are the only characters other than Emelia who I use much. > Skills unknown
Ser Lucian Martell: Emelia's uncle and the Castellan of Sunspear, as well as her chief aide, sword master and sometime admiral. Formerly a PC. > Skills, Expert swordsman, Expert Battle (from PC details)
Prince Elester Martell: Emelia's Master of Trade, younger brother, and an ex-PC. Currently involved in keeping the trade lanes open during the "disturbances." > Skills, Expert Spear-fighter, Expert Intrigue
Lord Quentin Fowler: The "Stone Hawk," a legendary general and the Marshall of Dorne. Currently commanding the Expeditionary Force. > Skills, Legendary Battle Commander
Princess Arielle Dayne: The Princess Dowager of Dorne, Emelia's stepmother and effectively steward of the Princess' household. > Skills, Noteworthy Stewardship
Ser Timm Dayne: The Sword of the Morning, Emelia's bodyguard and husband to Princess Arielle Dayne. Formerly Ser Timm Vikary of the Kingsguard. > Skills, Legendary with the blade. Wields "Dawn", the heritary sword of House Dayne. This adds +10 to his skill when using. > Secrets, Was Ser Timm Vikary, one of the Kingsguard under Aemon Targaryen. Fled when he died and has joined Dorne. Somewhat controversially 'released' from his vows as Kingsguard
Aethan Stone: A Vale sellsword who follows the Old Gods. Served under Aedon at King's Landing, and has never smiled since that day. Now captain of a small band of brigands in the North. > Skills, Expert with a sword
Post by theother on Oct 14, 2007 7:31:40 GMT -5
Novice Gideon Maester Wendell - Maester at House Morrigen. An old man, around 75 years old. > Skills, Expert 'knowledge' (basically just very well read)
Ser Stewart Storm - House Guard Captain. Castellan of Crow's Nest when Lord Alester is visiting King's Landing. > Skills, Noteworthy Sword, Noteworthy Stewardship
Conn Morrigen - Heir to House Morrigen and Gideon's older brother. His personality is like Robert Baratheons. <Is Gideon's second - see Char Histories thread>
Post by theother on Oct 14, 2007 7:41:38 GMT -5
Other Notable (but not major) NPCs run by Admins
Lord Hunter Flint & his sons Kaleb & Lertner The only House to come out of the recent butchery in the North with few losses. Lord Flint is terrified of Lyas Bolton and fears for his family under his 'benevolent rule' > Skills, Hunter & Kalen Noteworthy with the blade, Lernter is Expert. > Secrets, Dunno - trying to topple Bolton from the Regency of the North?
Lord Mendel Ryswell - an unknown invented for the Melee in KL > Skills, Noteworthy Mounted Combat
Lord Savion Dustin - another survivor from the chaos in the North. > Skills, Noteworthy with the blade.