Very much so. ANd here is our AIM conversation
Germindawg: Ummmm... I am suppose to be telling you about Tristy's secret troop movements.
JamesBerryRocks: right.
JamesBerryRocks: do you think you can hide 15,000 men?
JamesBerryRocks: that seems like an awful lot to go missing
Germindawg: Well that depends.
Germindawg: I will explain the plan. To be honest I think I was hoping some one would invade quickly.
JamesBerryRocks: yeah, seems like that's not going to happen now.
Germindawg: Thats the thread with the actual moves.
Germindawg: Fowler sent people to those locations. Then started pulling men to Sunspear.
JamesBerryRocks: pulling them from where?
Germindawg: Starfall, Saltshore, Lemonwood, Wyl, High Hermitage, and the Tor all started with 3000, but he has pulled 2000 from each of them slowly and had them march as quietly as possible.
Germindawg: He himself led another 1000 from his keep at Skyreach.
Germindawg: So it is only 13000
JamesBerryRocks: so Sunspear is at 23,000
Germindawg: RIght with 13000 parked over the horizon.
JamesBerryRocks: all keeps except skyreach and yronwood are at 1,000
Germindawg: Yep
JamesBerryRocks: where 13,000 over the horizon?
Germindawg: Basically for all intensive purposes they are at Sunspear.
JamesBerryRocks: okay.
Germindawg: But the purpose was to let the Ironborn invade, and then flank them with a surprise force of 13000 men to crush them.
JamesBerryRocks: I see what your saying.
Germindawg: Tristy nows nothing about Battle, but Fowler is legendary so it was my idea as him.
Germindawg: But I pass Fowler to you.
Germindawg: He can be your npc, or just let him be Tristy's NPC.
Germindawg: I think you know more warfare then I anyway.
JamesBerryRocks: I see what your saying.
JamesBerryRocks: Fowler is a legendary scouter/ambusher
JamesBerryRocks: so if anyone can hide them, it will be him.
Germindawg: Yeah. That was the plan. I do agree at some point people will figure out. I just thought that would be lightning quick.